How To Use Wunderlist (Android)
As I’ve explained numerous times in these articles, I am not a very organized person. I have friends and family that seem to go through life organized, but have never been able to catch on. However, maybe I just need to start using more organizational tools. Like sticky notes or a planner or tying a string around my finger so I can remember when I need to do something. Or even an app! And I can use this situation as a sloppy intro to introduce the fact that I’m reviewing WunderList for Android devices today. Brilliant! Let’s take a look at the WunderList app.
What Is WunderList?
The WunderList app is one of your standard organizational apps. The application is sort of like an interactive planner, where you divide different lists and check everything off. But how do you use it? Well I’m glad you asked! Because that’s exactly what I was going to tell you in the next section. Funny how that works, isn’t it?
How Do You Use It?
Wunderlist works very similarly to your usual planning/list app. You begin by checking off what types of lists you’d like to keep, such as movies to watch and groceries. From there, you simply tap one of your lists, add more options by typing in the “add a to-do” bar and check off what you’ve done by tapping the star next to the option you’ve just completed.
The Bottom Line
Wunderlist is a very well designed app. While I’ve seen plenty of note taking and organizing apps before, I really enjoy the way Wunderlist is designed. Everything looks nice and functions well, and the pre-determined lists are very helpful, as I wouldn’t have thought to make a list of movies I need to watch. Like that one movie that everyone keeps telling me to watch. I’ll get to it someday.