I Am Vegend: Zombiegedden Windows Review
Before we get started on today’s review, can we quickly take a look at the title? “I Am Vegend: Zombiegedden” is definitely one of the most interesting game titles I’ve seen in quite some time. And I’ve seen some game titles in my day. Weirdly enough, when I originally downloaded the title, it was called “Vegetables Vs Zombies”. Did they just happen to change the title halfway through to avoid copyright infringement? Anyways, let’s take a look at I Am Vegend: Zombiegedden for Windows Phones. Or Vegetables Vs Zombies. Or whatever you want to call it.
What Is I Am Vegend: Zombiegedden?
As you may have gathered from its working title of “Vegetables V Zombies”, I Am Vegend: Zombiegedden is pretty similar to Plants Vs Zombies, the infamously fun and hilarious tower defense-style game. However, how close is it to the actual game? Well, you’ll have to wait for the next section. Just be patient. It will come.
How Is The Game?
I must say, my expectations were not high going into this game. Honestly, I was just expecting another stripped down ripoff that’s not as fun as the original. (As you can tell, I’ve been doing this for awhile.) However, while the basic concept is still the same, they found some ways to keep it fresh. Instead of setting down plants to defend yourself, you do more of the work, having to tap the zombies to shoot with seeds or throw tomatoes. Additionally, there’s still some strategy involved, as you must switch between your plants while they recharge.
The Bottom Line
While I did not have the highest hopes for this game, I was pleasantly surprised. The gameplay was just different enough to be pretty fresh and fun. Really, they could have just changed up the entire concept and kept the gameplay the same and I’d like it even more. Maybe if it was something like “Fruit Vs Pirates.” I’d totally play that game.