Simpsons Store Android Review
If you’ve known me for any amount of time, you would know I am a huge fan of the animated sitcom The Simpsons. The show is a global phenomenon, and for very good reason: it’s funny, it’s got an expansive world, and there’s tons and tons of episodes. However, while I’ve seen the show and played the many Simpsons video games, I’ve never really read the comics. So I suppose I can’t really call myself a true Simpsons fan, can I? Well, I still will. Let’s take a look at the Simpsons Store app for Android devices.
What Is The Simpsons Store?
The Simpsons Store is a one-stop-shop for getting your Simpsons Comics fill. And, trust me, there are tons of them. In the different categories alone, there’s everything from the classic series to the Bart Simpson series to the Treehouse Of Horror series. So it looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me.
How Is The App?
I must say, I was pretty impressed with the sheer number of different comics The Simpsons has released. In fact, I saw some comics released as early as 1996. However, there is one thing that may scare some people off. Outside of some of the free Sunday Specials, you will have to pay for your comics. You know, like in real life. Well, except for the library.
The Bottom Line
As a huge fan of The Simpsons, I must begin my Simpsons Comics journey to complete the trifecta of animated sitcom knowledge. And, to be honest, The Simpsons Store is the perfect way to do it. The comics aren’t too expensive, they go back a number of years, and you can keep track of them all on your account. Now, if you don’t mind, I’ve got about twenty years of comics to catch up on.