Super Rabbit Run Windows Review
In case you haven’t heard yet, Super Mario Run is coming soon to iOS devices. This is bigtime news, as it essentially opens up the gate for tons of our favorite nostalgic characters to make their way onto mobile devices. However, no announcements have been made yet when it comes to Super Mario Run coming to Windows devices. So I guess in the meantime we’ll have to settle for Super Rabbit Run on Windows Phones. I’m sure it’s just as good, right? Right?
What Is Super Rabbit Run?
It may come as a complete shock to find out that Super Rabbit Run is a game where your run. As a rabbit. And it’s…super? I guess we’ll get into that later, won’t we? In Super Rabbit Run, you play as a rabbit and collect carrots. And, yeah, that’s pretty much it. So….on to the next section?
How Is The Game?
Super Rabbit Run definitely has all the pieces of your general endless runner. The endless running, the jumping, and the collecting. However, everything is just slightly off. The running itself is pretty slow compared to most endless runners I’ve tried out. There are no enemies, meaning the challenge isn’t all it can be. And you can jump a ton, meaning the challenge is, again, not all it can be. If you’re looking for a simple relaxing endless runner than this might be for you. But perhaps not for the rest of us.
The Bottom Line
Super Rabbit Run isn’t the greatest endless runner I’ve played. It’s simply too slow and not challenging enough to keep my attention for too long. However, with a few tweaks, I could actually see this becoming a pretty fun game. Just a little speed boost and some generic enemies would do the trick to be honest.