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How to Transfer Photos from Android to iPhone



Considering changing to an iPhone? You’re not the only one. Apple just recently reported that their new iPhone X model is one of the major reasons that new converts are flocking to the platform. Whether or not that’s the reason for your interest in making the jump, you’ll want to know how to transfer all your important photos and memories to your next device — when you’re ready to make the jump that is.


If you’ve already made the move a couple of times, then you probably remember that, back in the day, it was pretty darn annoying and time-consuming to transfer your data from one device to another. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Below, we’ve listed the best ways to transfer your data from an Android to an iPhone without much hassle at all.


Google Photos


This is possibly the easiest and simplest method at your disposal when you’re looking to transfer your memories from Android to iPhone — all you need is internet access.


You want to make sure that all your data is backed and synced to your Android via Google photos. Once that’s completed and your data is backed, then the rest is easy. You need to go to the iPhone, and download the Google photo app. Once it’s successfully installed on your iOS device, then you’ll have access to all your photos via Google photos. Though, we do recommend that you use the Backup & Sync option on your iPhone.


File Sharing Apps


If you’re not able to use Google Photos because for whatever reason, you still have other options in available to you in order to transfer your data. Of course, this method will take a little longer than using Google photos, but at the end of the day, you’ll still be able to transfer your data. If this situation describes where you’re at. personally, then we recommend using a solution similar to Apps like these are perfect even for those who might not have a stable internet connection.


If you’ve opted to use our recommendation,, then please proceed to follow these steps:


On both of your phones, download the Shareit app. Then, you’re going to launch the app on your Android device. When the device is opened, tap “start” and then create an account for yourself. Once you’re done, tap on “receive”. Now, on the screen, you’re going to see that it’s waiting for a sender, this means you’re going to have to connect it with the iPhone. After that, tap on “connect to iOS/WP” option that is offered. The screen will tell you to search for a wifi network for your iPhone, follow the instructions on the screen in order to connect to a wifi network. After connecting to wifi, launch Shareit and watch both of your devices ready for file transfer.


Using iTunes


This is the most time-consuming method that you could use, however, it's still amongst the most effective.


In order to transfer your photos/media with iTunes, you’ll first need to backup your photos on your Android device to your PC. Depending on how many photos and videos you have, this could take a while so make sure you brew yourself some tea as you wait. After you’re finished transferring your photos to your computer, now it’s time that you used your iTunes in order to sync it to your iPhone.


  • You’ll want to connect your iPhone to your computer, either Mac or PC, via USB cable.
  • Then, once completed, open iTunes on your computer – make sure you have the latest updates for it.
  • Now that you opened your iTunes, click the device icon on iTunes. Then, click on “photos”.
  • Make sure that the “sync photos” is enabled. Then, select the folder from where you want to sync photos to your iPhone.
  • In addition, click on “all photos and albums”. Then, click “apply” to get the process started.


Now that you’ve read through these three methods, then you’re all up-to-date with the easiest and simplest methods to transfer photos from Android to iPhone. We recommend that you try to transfer photos through Google Photos, however, if that’s not possible, the other two methods will do the trick. Do you have alternative methods to the ones we’ve listed? If so, let us know in the comment section below!